Enjoy teaching and learning English with Go Kids Gold!

Go Kids Gold offers solid vocabulary and grammar preparation as well as communicative skills, sections dedicated to INVALSI, and an ongoing focus on soft skills and topics related to the UN 2030 Agenda Global Goals, CLIL, Citizenship and Agenda 2030. Solid grammar preparation, in books from grade 3 and in the companion volume to the grade 4 book. Plus, sections dedicated to the INVALSI and tests for practice.
Inclusive teaching and learning
There is always light. If only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it.
Amanda Gorman
Inclusion is at the heart of the Go Kids Gold methodology. The Welcome pathway “accoglienza” for the first days of school help with the transition from Scuola Materna to Primary school. The starter module in 4th grade for reviewing the first cycle of learning is now incorporated into the student’s book making teaching and learning easier. Include everyone. Activities for all learning styles. Lapbooks for each year to develop creativity and manual skills.
Levels 4 and 5 have an easy learning book which is parallel to the main student’s book so useful for students showing signs of specific educational needs and helping teachers include them in the classroom.
Inclusion of learners from other countries
A different language is a different vision of life.
Federico Fellini
Teachers using Go Kids Gold in the school year 2024/25 will have a license for one year of Mondly by Pearson. This will help teachers with the inclusion of students from students from another country speaking very little or no Italian or help with the integration of students’ home languages. Teachers will have access Mondly’s 41 languages. Teachers can also use the Mondly App to practice speaking and learn English and other languages too!
Easy to use!
A place for everything, everything in its place.
Benjamin Franklin
Go Kids Gold has everything you need in your English lessons ‘all in one place’! The Home practice booklets for practicing vocabulary and grammar are now in the student’s book so students have everything they need all in one place! Go Kids Gold also incorporates approaches for students with different learning styles and has videos of vocabulary and grammar and students can access these at home easily with a QR Code and an active picture dictionary for levels 1-3 and a Grammar Practice book for levels 4-5
Teaching Culture through Lap Books and Craft Activities in Go Kids Gold
Play is the highest form of research.
Albert Einstein
Go kids Gold offers lots of opportunities for practical activities and games , thanks to Make and Learn sections. Each level of Go Kids Gold has two lap books. Lap books are visual organizers and are a fun and effective way to engage primary students in learning across various subjects while promoting creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Developing scissor skills is an important aspect of fine motor development in children, as it helps strengthen hand muscles, improve hand-eye coordination, and enhance spatial awareness. The new craft books and lap books with Go Kids Gold ensure that students can learn the culture of the English Speaking world in a more memorable way and at the same time get practice in, fine motor skills, cutting out, and scissor skills and teachers have all the materials for every child without having to photocopy anything!
In year one Students have a Festival Craft book where they make a variety of crafts relating to the main festivals of the English Speaking World e.g. Hallowe’en, Christmas, Valentines Day, St Patrick’s Day, Easter and Earth Day. In Year two students have a Culture Craft book and they make a variety of crafts relating to culture of the English Speaking World for example their very own London Bus and learn traditional nursery rhymes for example Hickory Dickory Dock and create a mouse and Big Ben to hold when they sing the song. In levels three to five students have a new Culture lap book. In level three My English Culture Lap book on England students learn about culture and festivities in England. In year four students Create a Lap book about the United Kingdom and Ireland and in year five children create a lap book about the United States which includes learning about the USA, places to visit, American festivities, life in the USA, Native Americans. lap books are visual organizers and are a fun and effective way to engage primary students in learning across various subjects while promoting creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Developing scissor skills is an important aspect of fine motor development in children, as it helps strengthen hand muscles, improve hand-eye coordination, and enhance spatial awareness.
If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.
Albert Einstein
Go Kids Gold has Storytelling as a central focus and there is Time for a Story section at the back of each level. Story Time is a moment for inclusion in the class and can help improve students listening skills and reinforce language learnt in class. To help the teachers tell the story Go Kids Gold has the Story Strip Posters which can be used in class as story cards to help involve the children in the story. These posters come with activities to use before reading and after reading and children can make a mini book. In levels 4 and 5 these activities are included in Go Kids Gold. The teachers guide offers ideas and activities to using the Story Strip Posters in the classroom.
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Malcolm X
Go Kids Gold has a new Evaluation pack which has tests for each skill and guidance following the guidelines from the Ministry of Education and Merit:
«A decorrere dall’anno scolastico 2020/2021 la valutazione periodica e finale degli apprendimenti è espressa, per ciascuna delle discipline di studio previste dalle Indicazioni Nazionali, compreso l’insegnamento trasversale di educazione civica, attraverso un giudizio descrittivo riportato nel documento di valutazione, nella prospettiva formativa della valutazione e della valorizzazione del miglioramento degli apprendimenti. I giudizi descrittivi sono riferiti agli obiettivi oggetto di valutazione definiti nel curricolo d’istituto e sono correlati a differenti livelli di apprendimento».
Preparing students for the future
“Teaching in the Internet age means we must teach tomorrow's skills today.”
Jennifer Fleming
Students using Go Kids Gold in 4 and 5 prepare for Scuola Secondaria I Grado by using the My Grammar Practice Book learning to use a grammar book and practice exercises. They will train for invalsi with lots of INVALSI practice and learn transversal skills and citizenship lessons connected to the agenda 2030. The teachers guide offers teachers ideas for integrating mindfulness and well-being activities in the English Language Classroom.
Go Kids Gold Digital will be available on the brand-new platform My Digital Book. Students will have access to the ebook and digital resources and teachers will have access to all their teaching resources in one place. A QR code on the page of the student book gives quick access to all of the audio and videos.
Teachers will also have access to Mondly by Pearson and can use the activities in class with students on the interactive white board or Smart TV
Enjoy and have fun with Go Kids Gold!
Referenze iconografiche: VCoscaron/Shutterstock
GO Kids Gold
Corso di inglese di Scuola primaria
Tratti distintivi dell'edizione Gold sono i lapbook dedicati alla civiltà e l'home practice integrato che completano la ricca offerta formativa di uno dei best seller Pearson per l'insegnamento della L2. Come il precedente GO Kids, si tratta di un corso di inglese con una solida preparazione linguistica, sezioni dedicate all'INVALSI e una costante attenzione alle competenze trasversali e ai temi legati ai Global Goals dell'Agenda ONU 2030.